This might seem exhaustive but the truth is these could all be felt when you are infected. Some people feel it more than others, it mainly depends on your own personal toxic load and how in tune you are with your body.
NOTE: Symptoms flare up around the Full Moon, so note when the Full Moons are happening and make a note of how you feel.
Order is very important! A client’s drainage pathways must be supported and open before parasite cleansing. This means the bowels must be moving daily, the liver and other organs are being supported, the lymphatic system is flowing smoothly, and the mitochondria are being supported. This foundational step is crucial in preventing any die-off reactions during a parasite cleanse. We do this by starting clients off on support supplements and binders and utilizing detox regimens such as dry brushing, lymphatic massages, infrared sauna, Epsom salt baths, castor oil packs, and coffee enemas.
Focusing on eating whole-food ingredients based on one’s individual needs can be very helpful as well as avoiding any processed foods, dairy, and sugary foods.
Do you have any of the symptoms above? We see our clients virtually to help them to address parasite infections as part of their healing. Work alongside one of our Health Coaches or Functional Medicine Practitioners who can guide you through the process! Click on the BOOK NOW button on our website to book your complimentary call.
Information credit @ameliaforan
Amelia (Amy) is one of Vagus Clinics Health Coaches.