Symptoms of Lyme, Mold, and EMF Sensitivity & Connecting the dots between them

Symptoms of Lyme, Mold, and EMF Sensitivity

Now that you have an understanding of each silent trigger, let’s take a look at symptoms that can help alert you that one or more of these factors is wrecking your health:

Lyme: Bull’s Eye Rash, arthritis, migrating joint pain, rollercoaster of “good” vs “bad” health days, right sided neck pain

Mold: Allergy symptoms, watering itchy eyes, scratchy throat, difficulty breathing, coughing or sneezing or wheezing, extreme fatigue

EMFs: Inability to tolerate being in spaces with high EMF burden without migraines or buzzing sensations, severe inability to concentrate, chemical sensitivity

All: Impaired digestion due in part to inflammation of the Vagus Nerve and gut barrier, food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, reactions to supplements, heavy metal toxicity, neurological issues like buzzing in body, neuropathy, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, visual disturbances, lack of coordination, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, depression, anxiety, physical aches and pains, blood pressure regulation issues, migraines, dark circles under the eyes

As you can see there are many shared symptoms between all three triggers of disease. This is due to the fact that while each being a different type of force (fungal, bacterial, frequency), they share similar mechanisms of causing damage to the body, especially the nervous system, by creating oxidative stress and a strong immune response.

All three silent triggers have a similarly negative effect on your cells, nervous system, nutrition status, microbiome, and capacity to detoxify. Being exposed to more than one at a time can thus overwhelm your body and lead to severe dysfunction, pain, and in severe cases, death.

This is why it is critically important to lower your toxic burden and fortify your immune system against these factors. More on this later!

Connecting the Dots between Mold, Lyme Disease, and EMFs

The connection between Mold and Lyme: Mold and Lyme both share the distinction of being microorganisms that are potentially toxic to the human body. Both of these organisms are capable of causing “Biotoxin Illness”. For Mold, it is mycotoxins that cause the damage, while science still hasn’t fully discovered why Borrelia spirochetes cause such severe symptoms. In 1986 it was theorized that the spirochetes contain inflammatory “bacterial endotoxins-like” byproducts. While mold and Lyme affect the entire body, both are specifically associated with neurological symptoms, as they are both capable of causing inflammation in the nervous system.

Both of these organisms are highly adaptable and have evolved methods to evade the human immune system in many cases. It can be difficult to differentiate between the sources due to similarity of symptoms. However, Lyme is often experienced as a rollercoaster of “good” health days vs “bad” health days, while mold is generally experienced as consistently feeling poorly, mentally and physically.

The connection between Mold and EMFs: Shocking but true, radiation may actually feed mold! Although it sounds too crazy to be real, scientists have determined that mold can survive in outer space on and in spaceships, and can even use cosmic radiation as a source of energy to stimulate growth–not good for the astronauts! More research is certainly required, but emerging experiments suggest that increased EMF intensity in the presence of colonizing mold can cause a significant increase in the amount of mycotoxins released by mold over a given time period. While these high EMF levels may not be found in your home, it still isn’t a bad idea to turn off your router at night!

The connection between Lyme and EMFs: There is less of a scientifically-established link here, however, these two factors seem to often be intertwined. One commonality between Lyme disease and EMF sensitivity found by functional medicine testing is the role of heavy metals. Heavy metals in the body are extremely conductive and may contribute to neurological symptoms (including brain and nervous system). Heavy metal burden could be one reason why some people are more predisposed to experiencing symptoms from other of these factors. Additionally, Lyme and EMFs are shown to negatively affect cellular health by creating oxidative stress from stealing electrons and promoting inflammation.

Contact Vagus Clinic today using our contact form or call/text (416) 649-6489 to learn more about how we can help you regain your vitality and peak performance. Check us out social media for more great information about Lyme, Mold, EMFs, and how to optimize your health!