Solutions to Improve Lymphatic Health (And Your Athletic Longevity)

Now that we have covered the importance of optimizing the lymphatic system for general health, performance, and athletic longevity, here’s what you can do to actively take part in your own optimization. By recognizing and supporting this system, you will have a secret tool that puts you lightyears ahead of your competition in terms of recovery, repair, and physical durability.

  • Manual Lymph drainage massage: Very light superficial touch on the skin in a rhythmic fashion to facilitate flow of interstitial fluid into the lymph vessels so it can be returned to the bloodstream via the cisterna chyli and thoracic duct.  This can even be done at home!
  • Myofascial release massage: Can help break up adhesions in the muscles and fascia that may be constricting lymphatic flow.  Dry skin brushing: Similar to manual lymph drainage, but using a natural bristle brush in a circular motion moving from the hands and feet inward toward the heart (near the thoracic duct).
  • Guasha: A great overall massage tool. This can be used for manual drainage massage, as well as deep tissue muscle treatments. When rubbed quickly over a sore muscle, the skin may turn red, indicating a beneficial increase in circulation. Foam rollers and massage guns can be helpful as well.
  • Infrared Sauna: Sweating and rehydrating is a great way to release fluids carrying toxins from the body. It also forces fluid redistribution. Rehydration cannot be understated here, as the body requires extra water post-sauna to help facilitate excretion of toxins and waste products stirred up by the heat and infrared rays. Check out Therasage portable saunas (VAGUSCLINIC for 15% off).
  • Hot/Cold Shower Alternation: Experiencing hot water followed by cold water will cause the muscles to constrict and manually move lymph. Repeat several times during the course of a shower.
  • Compression Boots: Cause manual movement of blood and lymph in the extremities. Foot and leg sleeves are the most common.
  • Red light therapy: Red light and near-infrared radiation from red light therapy devices helps increase fluid circulation, reduce swelling, and promote lymph angiogenesis, or the creation of new lymphatic vessels to increase flow capacity. Check out our favorite device, PlatinumLED Red Light (VAGUSCLINIC for savings) as well as the portable Flexbeam which fits to your body for maximum efficiency.
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies (PEMF): Frequencies must be specific to lymphatic tissue healing.
  • Hydration: Besides movement, one of the most important factors for lymph flow is hydration. Pure water and herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, or chamomile are best. For water, drink at minimum ½ - 1 oz per lb of body weight daily and even more if sweating, include electrolytes to help maintain fluid balance.
  • Nutrition: Foods to consume include pumpkin seeds, leafy greens like spinach, kale, arugula, beet greens, etc., broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, berries, nuts and seeds, aromatic spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil. Foods to avoid include sources of dairy, alcohol, excess sodium, highly processed goods, deep fried food, trans fats like margarine, refined sugars, and other foods that cause inflammation.
  • Rebounding on an exercise trampoline: High quality exercise trampolines generate enough G-force with each bounce to push lymphatic fluid through the one-way valve of the lymph vessel.
  • Grounding: Take your shoes off and hug a tree after a big race…who cares if you look silly?

You have a secret that is going to extend your athletic performance! As a system deeply affected by electricity, connecting your bare skin to the earth or directly to a tree can potentially help stimulate lymphatic flow in a similar way to PEMF devices–but it’s free! This study proves it. EMF Protection: Certain EMFs inhibit immune cells, part of the lymphatic fluid, and what makes up the mass of the lymphoid tissue like the ones you can feel in your neck. When these lose their capacity to detox and filter lymph fluid, stagnation occurs and symptoms follow.  Certain EMFs like medicale PEMF devices give off small, specific pulsed frequencies that have been proven to be beneficial to stimulating lymphatic flow.

There are many effective EMF blocking devices on the market, check out Somavedic (VAGUSCLINIC for 10% off) and one of my favorite new technologies, EMF Rocks (click the link to save!).

With any lymph-supporting activities, make sure to drink plenty of pure water to facilitate removal of waste products. Otherwise, you might feel achy, sluggish, and unwell for a day after manual lymph drainage massage or sauna therapy for example.

Supplements to Support the Lymphatic System

(All products listed are available in our online store.  Click here to enter the store)

  • LymphActiv: This blend of targeted herbs helps increase lymphatic flow and kidney function
  • Topical Support Cream: Itires ointment or transdermal magnesium lotion
  • Binders: Binders like HM-ET Binder and BioToxin Binder can be helpful to mop up excess toxins released when improving lymph flow, and they can also help facilitate removal of toxins and wastes that are impairing lymphatic flow. It’s a win all the way around!
  • Antimicrobials: Depending on lab testing and symptoms, specific formulations can be utilized for different pathogens found to be impeding the lymphatic system, such as IS-Borr for Borrelia (Lyme).
  • Pekana Big 3: This homeopathic detox kit helps improve lymphatic flow without pushing your system as hard as herbs may. Pekana also helps ensure long-lasting results.
  • St. Franic Lymph Tonic - This homeopathic tonic encourages healthy flow of lymph, promotes the health and detoxification of your lymph glands. This Lymph Tonic formula for optimized lymphatic flow and detoxification.

Conclusion of Lymph Secrets for Athletes

Even if you only experience minor health issues, address them before they snowball out of control. These small signals are signs from your body that it needs your help. Part of being a healthy athlete or someone who prioritizes their physical health and fitness means listening to your body’s signs and anticipating its needs before major symptoms arise.

No matter if you feel completely healthy, reach out to the clinic to make sure we can assess your body to PREVENT career ending injuries like I so often see, even in individuals who train hard and prioritize the importance of physical fitness. Hidden chronic infections, nutrition imbalances, and a stressful lifestyle all contribute to lymphatic problems and thus an increased likelihood of sport-related injuries.

Let the experts at Vagus Clinic help you optimize your lymph flow and athletic performance…We can’t wait to hear from you!

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