At a glance:
There are multiple routes to be aware of when it comes to mold and mycotoxin exposure in your environment. The most common routes for exposure include inhalation into the lungs, ingestion into the digestive tract, and absorption of mycotoxins through the skin. Acute symptoms often arise first in the sinuses, lungs, digestive tract, and skin due to their direct contact with these toxins.
Some occupations have a higher risk of mold and mycotoxin poisoning due to high levels ofthes e toxins in dust that enters the air and becomes inhaled or ingested [3]. They usually relate to jobs that deal with farming, landscaping, harvesting or storage of grains, and animal husbandry, especially in indoor settings. One unique occupation that can experience severe mold toxicity is wind instrument musician. If instruments are not properly maintained, mold can colonize and be directly inhaled in high concentrations. [4]
Despite these occupations naturally carrying a higher risk, any person could be exposed to mold and mycotoxins in their workplace if there are unaddressed leaks or chronic dampness. Pay attention to how your school or workplace smells, how warm and humid it feels inside, if there is proper ventilation (airflow), or possible signs and symptoms in your coworkers.
Mold has been around long before mankind and has evolved alongside us. As a relatively simple organism (compared to humans), mold has had plenty of time to perfect its methods of survival and spreading. Mold is able to survive in a huge range of extreme conditions, and thrive in conditions that include humidity, darkness, poor airflow, and warmth. Most of the species of mold that are toxic to humans grow best in a high relative humidity above 50% and temperatures above 75ºF/24ºC. In addition to these environmental conditions, mold also requires a source of food to colonize and digest. Building materials like wood, drywall, and fabric are favorite food sources.
Most commonly, mold occurs as a result of water leaks or sustained high levels of humidity. Sometimes the mold and leak are visible, and sometimes they are hidden, growing insidiously behind drywall. Moisture may enter a home from outside through backed-up gutters, roof leaks, or broken hose faucets. Mold spores may end up in your HVAC system from a contaminated room and eventually end up in every room of the building. The spores “activate” and colonize once a food source and constant moisture become available within about 24-48 hours. Many older homes and buildings, as well as newer homes that had rushed construction and cheap, mold-loving materials are common sources of exposure. Mold may also occur as a result of poor construction design, such as water draining toward the foundation or roof design.
No, some sources state there are over a hundred thousand species of mold–yet only a few hundred have been shown to produce mycotoxins that negatively impact human health. Most types of mold are benign, however, the toxic types are most commonly found indoors, where they have a profound effect on inhabitants.
Certain types of mold may actually be beneficial to humans when properly utilized. At some point, people learned to harness certain types of mold to create delicious and complex flavors in fermented foods like bleu, gorgonzola, and brie cheeses, tempeh, and cured or aged meats. A “miracle mold” called Koji, or Aspergillus oryzae, is the secret ingredient for miso soup, sake, and soy sauce and is said to have profound health benefits by improving the human microbiome. [5] Apparently, it can even increase your weekly “defecation frequency–something that most Westerners need. [6]
The important antibiotic medication Penicillin was developed from a type of Penicillium mold growing on a cantaloupe as researchers discovered that it inhibited the growth of competitive bacteria.
When correctly harnessed, mold can be beneficial to humans. Unfortunately, too few people are aware of the harmful aspects of mold and mycotoxins in their environment, and our goal is to change that. In the Part III, we will cover harmful types of mold and their associated mycotoxins.
Mold exposure can come from anywhere in our environment. It is important to be aware of both symptoms and possible sources of exposure to mold and mycotoxins–but not worry excessively or live in fear.
Remember, there are very few types of mold that can colonize inside of the body–no, this is not an episode of “The Last of Us”. If we stop the source of external exposure due to contaminated food and air, while assisting the body in detoxification of mold and mycotoxins, it is possible to clean up your system and resolve chronic ailments.
In the next section, we will take a deep dive into which molds and associated mycotoxins are dangerous for human health, as well as how to test both your home and body. Finally, we will cover Dr. Steph’s top solutions for addressing mold to help clients regain their vitality and sense of well-being. Click here to go to Part III: Solutions and Testing to Keep you Safe from (and Prevent!) Mold Exposure.
Do you suspect mold and mycotoxins may be lurking in your environment? Our team at Vagus Clinic can help you get to the root cause of your health issues. Contact us here, call or text at (416) 649-6489, or click here to schedule your free 20-minute discovery call.
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